Busto Arsizio 2020

GR10K is an emerging norther Italian fashion brand routing on an industrial network for dispersed productions. In most of the cases emerging brands do not rely on a proprietary retail environment borrowing selling nodes out of larger distribution platforms.

Avoiding the restrictive augmented specificity of visual merchandise, display patterns and on-sight presence GR10k tested a new format of retail engagement by erasing the standardised commodification of fashion shops. A facade blockage system has been developed as to be deployed as a unified retail system, acting as headquarter facade, garments display technology and image production backdrop.

Erasing fashion goods visual presence acts both as a declaration on the mitigation of contemporary retail environment and as an indirect engagement system, modified at each season by graphical or artistic intervention GR10K uses the last remnants of architecture physical viability as a diverging application of dying public interaction and shopping habits.

A set of walls engineered to annihilate retail initiatives and dismantle traditional categories of display, content and conveyor, are stacked on the 1930s facade of the Northern Italian production site of the brand as to present our collaborative efforts.


> gta Ausstellungen, Departement Architektur, ETH Zurich_Confinement 2020